My first thought was that it was probably some aftermath of the lunar eclipse that took place earlier today. That was until I noticed them begin to move. They didn't move in a linear way like an airplane or jet would, and they didn't flash or shimmer like a helicopter or any other aircraft would. I begin to see them gradually separate from each other, some in slower speeds than others. By this time I took my iPhone and took some shots. I was able to grab a video but that fact that the light had turned green and there were about 5 cars behind me didn't allow me to get a decent capture.
[here's a screenshot of the video I took. This was the clearest frame I was able to find]
I then stopped recording and made my left turn. I immediately called my friend Chuy to see if maybe he had seen what I saw. To my relief the first thing he said was, "dude did see that?!" I rushed to Menchi's, which was only about 5 blocks away, got off my car to see if I could catch any last glimpses of these UFO's. (and by UFO's I mean Unidentified Flying Objects—NOT aliens.) I was able to catch a glimpse of one of the red UFO's that was left. As the rest of my friends got there, there were 5 of us that all caught this sighting. The rest of my friends had said they had seen 6 red stars that formed the shape of a "V" gradually disperse over a period of about 10-15 seconds. The spookiest thing about was this video that was captured in 2003 on November 13 on Burbank and Hollywood Way. (Only ONE block away!!)
and another one on November 13, 2009 >>